Inspired by the Global Money Week initiatives, our CSR Team organised a Finance lecture in two schools in Lagos, Nigeria in the month of March 2023.
GMW is an annual global awareness-raising campaign, which emphasises the importance of ensuring that people from are early age develop financial literacy to make informed decisions and ultimately achieve financial independence. GMW Theme for 2023 is- “Plan your money, plant your future”.
With this in mind, we partnered with Money Africa to prepare a financial lecture for students from Mayor High College and ST & T Regency College in Lagos, Nigeria. Money Africa is a learning portal about building good money habits to help grow wealth over time. Apart from the lecture, writing supplies were also donated to the schools.
In Hantec, we believe financial education is essential to empower financial freedom and we are confident that small initiatives can create a big difference in the future of these students. We will keep actively contributing to the local communities and charities at every appropriate opportunity to do so.
If you would like to know more or how you can help too, please get in touch with us at [email protected].